Doctor Who - 5" Dalek Overseer Parts - Big Finish : Planet Of The Ogrons

Doctor Who - 5" Dalek Overseer Parts - Big Finish : Planet Of The Ogrons


Made to be compatible with the 5" range of Character Options New Series Daleks, this listing contains various parts needed to make the Overseer Dalek from Big Finish's Planet Of The Ogrons, and based of the renders created by Jack Hainsworth. Includes : . Dome lights . Claw for arm . Hemi Sockets . Claw for rear hemi socket . Rear Mid-Section . Mid-Section Ball . Paradigm Eye/Scanner Arm . Rear Dish Please note that to complete this you will need to acquire some tubing for the arms (I used Lego/Technic ones) a Paradigm eye for the scanner arm, and the base Dalek model will need to be modified in order to fit the parts to it. You can see more on how I put my version together here : I am also selling kits of these parts myself via my eBay for those without 3D Print capabilities : *COMING 1ST JULY* These files are free for anyone to download and use, however I do not give permission for either prints of this or the files themselves to be sold, and action will be taken should I find this to be the case.







Model Robots