Sign for Introverts & HSPs

Sign for Introverts & HSPs


Being an introvert AND a HSP myself, I often find myself in the need to let everyone around me know, that I need time for myself without dirsturbance, without having to spend energy on getting people to understand. So I made a sign to hang on my office door and decided to share it. The sign can be printed in one go or in parts. The frame and text are included in the base, so if you want a different color for that, you will need to insert a change filament script in your slicer (or time it right with your firmware). Print the bottom in two layers and the top at 2-3 (3 is best). Do not go below 25% infill. The top surface could get uneven if your briding isn't on point. 2 walls will be fine. Mind the speed. Approximate print time (with listed settings): 2-2½ hours Main dimensions are 150x100 mm Glue the parts on the base, in whatever horizontal direction you prefer Mount it with double sided tape, or hot-glue to a small rope, yarn or whatever you fancy. Heck, glue it to a stick and plant it outside your door if you wanna go beyond the household. You need a custom sign made? Drop me a comment or send an email to






