Intex SPA pump adapter

Intex SPA pump adapter


I am using old dishwasher pump to circulate water, although it is centrifugal - as pump lays on ground it cannot prime itself sucking water from above (hose has to go over pool side). this connector allows to use internal pump for filtering water - as its outlet goes back inside and is threaded - why not use it ? Dishwasher pump cannot be enclosed (so it is audible) and it has to be primed (put water into hose manually). There is a catch - Internal Intex pump has two magnetic flow sensors - if flow is to slow - controller throws an error. So this wont work if water has to be pumped more than half a meter above water level - internal pump is so weak that when i added 3m of inox spiral pipe to exchange additional heat from exhaust pipe - water has to be moved little highier and pump will stall when jets are activated (I have no idea why - jets are powered from other pump) as for design - it was quick and dirty work in…Tinkercad outlet for the hose has no connector - every Gardena style connector will obstruct flow as it has lower diameter - it goes inside the hose ;) - thats why I had used just press fitting (you can regulate fit with some electrical tape - put it around the hose and press in Now I can just put SPA on 6h filtering mode - water flows - I am firing up the stove - and in 4h i can raise water temperature over 20deg C, in every day use - 1 hr of heating will raise temp from 35 to 40 ;) as a bonus - this adapter allows to prime external pump and second bonus - external pump has trouble to suck water when bubbles are in use - to much air and pump loses pressure - getting water through this adapter eliminates this problem



