5015 Blower Duct for JGMaker Artist-D

5015 Blower Duct for JGMaker Artist-D


5015 blower duct for Artist-D IDEX printer. Need: 2x 5015 24v Blowers (preferably dual ball bearing) 4x m3x8mm screws 4x m4x25mm screws with low profile heads +nuts&washers. WARNING! Check wiring. My blowers came reversed. This is easily fixed by depressing the little flap on the back of the pins inside the plug end while pulling gently on the wires. If you lose which direction the wires go just check the other plugs on the board and make them match. Loosen the two screw-buttons a few turns before installing. Use teflon tape on the threads if you are concerned with the buttons falling out. You will find that these need to be loosened anyway because bottoming them out makes it so you cannot get the full throw of the levers inside and it will inhibit your ability to remove the nozzle. Filament changeout doesn't have much throw anyway and only needs to be backed out a turn or two to clear the bracket.



