B-58A Hustler

B-58A Hustler


The Convair B-58 Hustler was a supersonic strategic bomber, capable of flying at Mach 2. It was made to fly high and fast to avoid Soviet interceptors. The B-58 was unlike other bombers, that begin it had no bomb bay or weapon pylons. Instead, it had a large armament pod that looked similar to a drop tank. With advancements in Surface-to-Air-Missiles (SAMs) flying high became dangerous. The B-58 was then forced to fly low, but with how it was designed this significantly decreased its capabilities. With its decreasing strategic value, expensive operating costs, and unwieldly aerodynamics (which caused sudden pitch or dive, stalling, and entering a spin) led to the B-58 being retired after ten years of service. Thanks to jkrick for suggesting this model! Both Sprue and Sprue-less models included along with models of individual parts. If you are printing with the individual parts you will want: B-58A Hustler Kit Card Wing x1 B-58A Hustler Kit Card R/L Engine 1 x1 B-58A Hustler Kit Card R/L Engine 2 x1 B-58A Hustler Kit Card Fuselage x1 B-58A Hustler Kit Card Armament Pod x1 while the fit is relatively snug, glue is recommended. Print at a .2 mm layer height with 100% infill.






