Rail Mounted Desk Plug Organizer w/Screwholes

Rail Mounted Desk Plug Organizer w/Screwholes


This is a rail mount that I made for the corner of my desk. Since it's got a ledge near the end, it was a good place to attach a place for my plugs since I've got two computers for work and personal use, and I wanted a way to quickly switch between plugs without having them on the floor, or having to put them away every day after work. It's skeletonized to make it look cool and to optimize material usage, I went from 26g to 19g for a print doing this. It's 17.5mm inner diameter to fit on the molding on my desk, which you can stretch in Sketchup (what I used) or some other program to fit the depth or the inner diameter of the U to your desk. It's got nine screwholes for #6 x 1/2in wood screws to fit it where you need, I wouldn't use them all, I simply did it at every other hole to avoid risking breaking my desk, it's not like we're holding a car on it! If you'd rather have a temporary solution for, say, a dorm desk, you could use Commando strips or rubber cement or some other temporary removable glue. It's got two holders for my plugs, and five ports for the charger heads for my laptops, and three USB cord or other charger holders. Most seem to fit in there so it's flexible, they're 4mm holes with a 60 degree angle out so you can adjust to your needs. I use it with a desk outlet and USB adapter I got a while back from Home Depot. Now I can simply unplug and replug things in seconds and without running over the cords or bending the sockets anymore.







