Silhouette Cameo Tool Box

Silhouette Cameo Tool Box


Just a box to hold the various tools used with my Silhouette Cameo 4 machine. It has space for 8 cutting tools, adapters and a full set of 24 sketch pens. The assembled box has a hinged lid with a light catch on the front and slots for a strap if the box is to be carried. I recommended to print it in PETG, with around 3 perimeters and 4 top/bottom layers, which will provide sufficient strength for the box and catch. I didn't need any support when I printed these parts on my machines. For the hinge, I used a 130mm length of 5mm diameter brass rod. To make printing easy the hinges need to be attached to the lid - I used PET 3D Gloop, but superglue or epoxy would also work. When you glue the hinges, I suggest inserting the rod into the box hinge and then dry mounting the hinges so that you can align them.






