Arkham Horror, Lord of the Rings, & Marvel Champions LCG Revised Editions Insert

Arkham Horror, Lord of the Rings, & Marvel Champions LCG Revised Editions Insert


My goal here was to maximize the storage space in the Fantasy Flight's revised campaign box for Arkham Horror LCG. I believe that this should also fit Marvel Champions and the revised Lord of the Rings LCG boxes, although I do not own those, so I have not tested them. In the pictures you can see that I used the Edge of the Earth campaign box and was able to store 3 full cycles (The Forgotten Age, The Innsmouth Conspiracy, and Edge of the Earth) with enough room left for the Scenario Sheets, Investigator Cards, and something else, maybe some tokens. In the other picture I was able to store 4 full Cycles (The Path To Carcosa, The Forgotten Age, The Innsmouth Conspiracy, and Edge of the Earth), however this does not leave the necessary room to store the Scenario Sheets.



