CCTV Turret Dome Camera Stand for table top usage of Dahua IP Cameras

CCTV Turret Dome Camera Stand for table top usage of Dahua IP Cameras


When you want to use some security cameras on a tabletop, often they can't angle sufficiently to look forward in a room. This stand solves that issue by raising and tilting it forward, while giving the cord a nice exit point in the rear. I printed in the same color as the camera and it blends quite nicely. Cameras of this type may vary slightly in size, so an easy fix is to simply heat the edges of the "cup" and bend them in to better grip the base of the camera. This was designed specifically for the Dahua cameras (and their OEMs), but would probably work fine for other similar designs from other manufacturers. I printed in white PLA+ material. Designed to not need supports, and to simply print upright. If your camera is particularly top heavy, you may need to use double stick tape to hold the camera in the mount, or, heat the edges and bend them in around the camera base to better grip it.






