solidPython parametric phone mount

solidPython parametric phone mount


Here's a basic phone mount for the car. one end clips into the air vent (assuming horizontal vent fins), and the other holds the phone. You'll want to measure your phone (width and radius of the rounded edge), and the thickness of the air vent fins in your car, and edit theses parameters in lines 4 and 7. There are also other adjustable parameters, e.g. controlling the thickness of the mount, so play around and edit these as you see fit (thicker may be required for a bigger heavier phone, but this may also make it more difficult to "snap" the phone into place. once satisfied, edit the "gen" variable to generate and export the 3 (a,b,c) parts STL files should already be oriented for best printability / strength (you don't want layer lines to cause the mount to break when flexed, from snapping the phone into place, for example). pictures are of my prototype: use whatever skinny bolts/nuts you have on hand to hold the 3 parts together.






