Drill Press
This thing is designed around a small kit available on Amazon and other places. For around $12 the kit includes a small motor, adapter and a very nice copy of a Jacobs No 1 chuck. There are also leads with spade terminals to connect the motor to a power supply and a half dozen assorted drill bits. With this kit, a power supply and these printed parts you can make a mini drill press for your workbench. I've provided holes which can be tapped M3 if you wish to add a small PWM motor controller, also available at Amazon. - - The main column is just a length of stock 20-20 extrusion; around 200mm is more than adequate. Now some notes on printing: - - PLA is perfectly adequate - - Print all parts in the position they are downloaded - - DP_Column_Cap_03.stl needs support 'touching buildplate' - - DP_Quill_Body_06.stl needs support 'touching buildplate' - - DP_Quill_Cap_03.stl should print reasonably well without support but use your judgment - - DP_Rack_06.stl needs to be printed with a brim and after it's done and the brim removed you'll need to clean up the bottom of the bevel with a rout-a-burr and file to remove any remaining ridge. - - All holes can be tapped M4 but do use nuts where possible; i.e. on the bottom of the base and the table. --The counterweight bucket can be attached to a cord with a bit of bent wire through the two holes. The other end of the cord can be attached to an M4 eye bolt or looped over an M4 bolt and under a washer. The bucked can be filled as needed to balance the Quill-Body, using sand or coins. - - I'll provide a list of fasteners when I get around to it; meanwhile use your own judgment. :-)