9 Frame Spacer for 10 Frame Langstroth Supers

9 Frame Spacer for 10 Frame Langstroth Supers


This is a remix of the customizable frame spacer by VinnieB. This model is half of one of the two spacers needed to evenly space 9 frames within a 10 frame langstroth medium box. I use these for Honey supers once the bees have already drawn the 10 frames. Converting to 9 frames will encourage them to draw the comb out proud to the surface of the frame, making decapping the frames easier, and storage more efficient. You will need to print four of these pieces, and nail them to the inside of your supers using cleat nails such that the edge of the spacer is flush with the ledge on the box. This way, the frames will still be resting fully on the edge of the box, but have their spacing set properly. See included pictures for reference.






