Center Line Finder Jig

Center Line Finder Jig


A simple tool for finding the center line of a board or stud. Works on boards up to 6" in width. The pictures show the steps to create the center line finding geometry. 1. Place fence against the edge of a board. 2. Draw a horizontal line on across the top and bottom of the middle guide. 3. Draw a line on the inside of the 2 angled guides. 4. Flip the fence to the other edge of the board. 5. Line up the horizontal guide between the previous horizontal lines drawn. 6. Draw a line on the inside of the 2 angled guides crossing the existing lines. 7. Draw a vertical line through the X's made by the angled lines to get your center line. The tool is scaled and ready for printing. It will fit on a 10" square print bed. You can scale it down to 70% and still use it on a 2X4.







Hand Tools