Oversized Lockbox for a Mini TSA Cable-Lock
Hey! Before you even consider printing this, know that the lock and PLA generally speaking is about as secure as their distance to the closest hand-sized rock. PLEASE do not use this as a genuine security device. I basically had a small "Lewis and Clark TSA007" (I think) laying around and watched too many lock-related videos with cool containers in them. Hide stuff from your roommates in here. Or better yet, go buy a cheap lockbox to better discourage others from stealing your Cuban cigars and prized Kirby amiibo. I'm mostly tossing this project onto the internet to tell myself that I'm done with it and bring an end to all the weird over-engineering I did for the top bit (see images). I've burnt a lot of filament testing new ideas/tolerances. The 'StickBoard' (weird name sry) might seem unnecessary, but it helps cover the shadow/gap between the 'TopCard' (aka the lid) and 'MainBody'. It also makes adjusting the distance in Fusion 360 to push the cable through in order to get a very tight fit a lot easier. [Available in both 'Three_Circles' and 'Open_Interior' variants at heights of 150mm, 100mm, and 50mm (internal storage height). The 'Open_Interior' version is untested, sorry.] Printing Recommendations (using Prusa i3 MK3S): Print 'MainBody' at a layer height of 0.3mm until the very top in which case to a lower layer height (0.15mm or so) to help the supports for each overhang print better. Print 'TopCard' at 0.2mm and 'StickBoard' at 0.1mm or 0.15mm (higher detail).