Baseplate to Mast Extrusion Gap Shim for Axis 19mm Mast

Baseplate to Mast Extrusion Gap Shim for Axis 19mm Mast


This is a shim to fill the gap between the 19mm Axis baseplate and extrusion of the 19mm aluminum mast. This gap may vary so you can scale the height of the part to adjust the size of thickness. It's 0.3mm thick which works for my setup. Wrap the part around the top of the mast extrusion, between the two screw holes, then install the baseplate over the part. If it's sized correctly, the mast shouldn't wobble side to side when assembled without the screws. I have also used zinc sheets cut to the same shape. Plastic sheeting probably works as well. I think some people use aluminum or plastic tape to do the same thing, but I've found that if you put enough tape to fill the gap properly, it's almost impossible to install the baseplate without damaging the tape.



