Merchants and Marauders - Cargo hold

Merchants and Marauders - Cargo hold


One of the first things I did with my 3D printer was multi-size, multi-color doubloons for M&M - but they make your ship's coffers *way* more transparent to other players, which goes against the game's concept. So, to avoid going back to boring cardboard doubloons, I devised this add-on: it acts as a shield to keep your doubloons out of sight and as a place to put your Cargo Cards on, all pretty much accessible. It's a simple remix of a specific render of <a src="">zanzastoys</a>' <a src="">parametric crate</a> and prints easily without supports. The test print in the picture is made with thick, 0.3 mm layers with a Geeetech A10 and Amolen PLA + bamboo fiber filament. IMO it looks good enough and serves its purpose, but if you feel like thinner settings, go right ahead. (Merchants & Marauders is ©2010 Z-Man Games, Inc. The pictured Italian edition is ©2011 Asterion Press s.r.l. No infringement intended, no right or endorsement claimed.)






