Flatminis Continued - Gelatinous Cube Monster

Flatminis Continued - Gelatinous Cube Monster


This is part of the expansion of the Flatminis Continued project based on the original Flatminis concept by Grumpyrobot. There are some fantastic Flatmini monsters already available, but there are still loads of iconic D&D monsters that have no Flatmini representation. To help expand the monster representation in the Flatminis project I now present the Flatminis Continued release of the Gelatinous Cube! As the Flatminis Continued project expands I will be introducing additional races, monsters, and the long term goal of some set pieces as well. The Flatminis Continued Project has over 35 D&D races with plans for a slow rollout of each as they are refined and finalized. If you have a special need for a race and class combo chances are I already have it laid out in the most basic sense and I would be happy to bump it up on the release schedule. I hope you enjoy and get some mileage out of this model!



