Gardena Part 1255-00.600.16 - Hinge / Scharnier / Ventil Box V3
I own a few of this green 1 and 3 valve boxes and the hinges break easily. Each hinge cost more than 2€ plus shipment and therefore I created it and printed it in ABS. Even so it might not last for many years in the sun and cold, it takes only 1h to print 4pcs or more pcs. The support is a bit tricky to setup in Cura, as the clip has only 1.6mm wide walls and therefore the pattern for support is important. Esp. under the wall that is angled. If the pattern doesn't fit, it looks like picture 2, but will still clip in. Set the walls to 4x = solid The drawing is with Onshape and can be found under "Gardena Klammer 1255-00.600.16" All mentioned Trademarks belong to their owner.