NFSunrise's head on Sapphire Plus

NFSunrise's head on Sapphire Plus


My NF Sunrise extruder mount to the Two Trees Sapphire Plus printer. For blowing, there are options for radial fan 4010 and for radial fan 4020. About 3-5 mm is lost along the Z axis, 15-20 mm is lost along the X axis (if BLTouch is used). The center of gravity along the X axis towards the motor is somewhat littered. For compensation from the opposite side, placed the fan and BLTouch. But it didn't help much. It is recommended to remove the "ears" of the shafts of the Z axis. Also, change the parking order from XYZ to YXZ so that the nozzle does not cling to the shafts in extreme positions. And so the mount turned out to be quite simple and durable.



