Faucet Cover

Faucet Cover


# Cover for faucets A simple customizable cover for water faucets. Written in openscad. I created it because there was no one on the market big enough for my needs. The stl files names show the inner/outer diameter or length of the pipe cover. In my case there is also an ugly long brass pipe between the wall and the faucet. So I created a cover for the pipe. # Customizer Bsides the diameters and thicknesses, you can choose that it adjusts the inner diameter for an extra cover for the water pipe. ## Warning There might be combinations of parameters that do not fit together. Your are responsible to check the sizes for your needs. # Printing I printed with PLA, 50% infill. Except the flavour "half" there is no need for support. For "half" I recommend to add support only from the build plate. # Source files - FaucetCover.scad The cover creator. - FaucetCover.json Defines sizes and models for flavours. - svn_rev.scad Contains the subversion revision and is automatically created by the Makefile and SubWCRev (subwcrev). The revision string gets printed inside the enclosure. - Makefile The control file for make (I use gmake on Linux, others not tested). # Rebuild On Linux open a shell in the source directory, then type make and wait. The png and stl files will get created in subdirs. This takes a while, so be patient. On Windows, Mac, your are on your own. A manual rebuild with openscad is also possible, open FaucetCover.scad in openscad, select a thing in the customizer (PrintThis) or add a new flavour with your sizes, press F6, wait, then F7 to export the stl. To much work for me, therefore I created the Makefile. I do currently not know whether the customize of Thingiverse will work. # Details on the Makefile It parses the json file to get the list of things/flavours to build. Then it creates pictures in PNG directory and the stl in STL directory. Not used by this project: It also checks for an auto-versioning template file (svn_rev.tmpl). If found, calls SubWCRev to create svn_rev.scad. I do not provide the template file, so this rule will not execute on your machine (I provide the svn_rev.scad instead). I do not provide the template file (not useful for you), so this rule will not execute on your machine (I provide the svn_rev.scad instead). You might also notice that it checks for my library dfLibscad. If found, the libraries svn_rev.tmpl file gets translated into another svn_rev.scad file with a version string of the library. Designs can use the module WriteRevision() to print the revision strings onto the part. I use this Makefile in other projects as well. Usually, just the very few first lines need to be adjusted. Feel free to reuse it. # Github My github projects: https://github.com/FauthD?tab=repositories - pysubwcrev is a cross-platform version of subwcrev






