Judas Priest British Steel

Judas Priest British Steel


The edges are sharp, if you tried you could probably cut yourself. I read that the band wanted to have blood on the blade but the record label wouldn't let them. Printed on a stock/single extruder Ender 3 v2 using Z-offset to print the black text on top of the silver blade. The v2 glass bed was ‘upgraded’ to the stock Ender 3 pro magnetic mat. I highly recommend this upgrade. Solutech PLA Silver metal / Solutech PLA Real Black Judas Priest British Steel Directions for Cura Watch z-offset video: Two Color Print Using Z-Offset Plugin in Cura https://youtu.be/h_Mohd7JLzw?list=PLS58gvaFXKUP-2G8-506SIJj30yjqaH20 Add the Z Offset plugin as per the video Turn off Cura preference ‘drop to build plate’ (not in the video!) Load JPBlade.stl ONLY Make sure ‘Move’ x,y,z are all set to 0 Use these settings to slice JPBlade: supports off, Z Offset 0, Z Hop when retracted 0mm, Build Plate Adhesion none, 0.12mm layer Slice and save the JPBlade.gcode file Clear the build plate Load JPTXT.stl ONLY Make sure ‘Move’ x,y are set to 0, change z to 1.5mm Use these settings to slice JPTXT: supports off, Z Offset 1.5mm, Z Hop when retracted 0.2mm, Build Plate Adhesion none, 0.12mm layer Slice and save the JPTXT.gcode Print JPBlade.gcode Set a timer for before the print is done As soon as the blade finishes set your printer to preheat the bed so the blade does not come loose Change filament to the text color, push enough filament out the nozzle to clear the first color Print JPTXT.gcode The Z Hop keeps the nozzle from knocking the blade loose while printing the text.







3D Printing