Angled Ring Alarm Contact Sensor Magnet Mount
Ring Alarm Contact Sensor 2nd Gen Angled Mount (magnet). *Printing advice:* Rotate the mesh on your print bed as illustrated so that you don't create overhanging surfaces or need supports. *Scaling* The mesh is sized to match the Ring Alarm Contact Sensor 2nd Gen, with a recess cut into it for the magnet. *Install* The magnet is removable from the contact sensor with a flat screwdriver (per Ring's instructions. Once the case is opened, the magnet is easily extracted, and remains encased within a small plastic frame with locating tabs on it and a glue patch to the rear. The angled mount includes a recess that matches this plastic casing, and will snap into place over both. The magnet is strong enough to be very generous regards position, and if you are able to match the orientation and aspect of the original unit, you will easily be within range. The glue patch allows you to position the magnet fairly easily, and I found it most straightforward to insert the magnet and casing before removing the film and positioning.