TBS Tango II shoulder button mod

TBS Tango II shoulder button mod


I love the Tango II but have always had issues with arming/disarming easily with the shoulder button so I made a modded button with a raised bump, which makes it a LOT easier to press without fumbling around or inadvertently moving the gimbals. Works for pinchers and thumbers. I printed mine in TPU because there are little nubs on the switch post that the button fits on so a flexible material made sense to me. It would probably work fine with PLA, PETG, etc though. The original button is 18x18mm but I found that the printed button rubbed a little and got stuck at that size so I decreased it to 17.6mm (I think?) and now it works perfectly. Probably the layer lines in the print were catching on something but IDK. Be sure to use a support blocker on the small hole in the button for the top of the post or you will likely have a really hard time getting the supports out. The right and left buttons are opposite so you'll need to mirror one of them in your slicer. This design is working really well for me but the Fusion 360 file is included if you want to make your own version. I would love to see what you come up with if you do. https://youtu.be/ngOubXFkMBg







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