Fully 3D printed- Belt driven CNC Router (IN PROGRESS)

Fully 3D printed- Belt driven CNC Router (IN PROGRESS)


(STILL IN PROGRESS) Hey, recently i have been working and designing this fully 3D printed CNC router. My goal is to keep it simple and cheap. Also i am trying to use as less screws as possible because in my country is quite hard to get the right hardware and it is quite expensive. This CNC will be fully belt driven (besides Z-axis that will be driven by lead screw) For the movement on the rods i will be using this nice design of 3D printed linear bearings https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2202854 For the spindle i might use just regullar Dremel or normal CNC spindle, i will decide later. Now in my design, the working plate is something like 30x30cm but you will be able to increase it just by buying longer aluminium rods. For the electronics, i choosed basic NEMA17 motor and CNC Shield. I hope you like this idea and i will continue to work on it so you can build your self one too :) Thank you Have a nice day (Sorry for the mistakes in this text, english is not my main language) (STILL IN PROGRESS)







3D Printers