Bally pinball Targets

Bally pinball Targets


These are for Bally 1984 Mr and Mrs Pacman. I am sure that they will be the correct size for all Bally pinball machines of this era. However I can not answer that exactly. The yellow ones are actually 3mm shorter than the white ones. In Mr and Mrs Pacman there are 8 white targets and 3 yellow. I just made these as close to the same as original as possible. I also have two versions of the ghosts. One is as close as I could copy the original and the other is more like the ghosts that chase you in the original video game. I also made a mirrored version of each of the ghosts. I found that the front facing finis was cleaner if I printed it mirrored. These both are 1mm thick and I made a stamp out in the targets that if you pring the ghosts they will glue neatly into the cutouts. The cutouts a slightly larger than the actual ghosts so that the ghosts will go into the cutout neatly and flush.







3D Printing