Zinc 2.0 Slide Improved
Please leave a like if you download! Design improvements for the most finnicky part of the Zinc 2.0 pistol, the slide, for easier printing, assembly, and durability. Good when trying to use brittle materials such as matte PLA. Changes: -Edges of rails offset 0.15mm smaller for less to no sanding required during assembly. -Internal cylinder void offset 0.15mm larger for easier fitting of the plunger tube. -Bridge between rear sight pins slightly thicker due to cracking easily during plunger installation. -Ridges added on sides to add additional strength, and to prevent the slide snapping over extended use. -Support brim is twice as thick; two layers at 0.2 layer height, decreasing the chances of a failed print, and is still easy to remove post-print. Some tips for installing: -Put a dab of superglue on each nut after you insert it to prevent them turning with the screws. -Be very careful when inserting the plunger tube, insert from the rear, not the bottom, and only stretch the part just enough to slide the plunger tube forward into the part. -If you need to use a heat gun to remove stringing, do so very briefly (1-2 quick passes) or the heat will shrink the part, and the plunger tube won't fit properly. -Triple check magnet orientations before gluing. See also: