Resin printer calibration tool (Tribute)

Resin printer calibration tool (Tribute)


This is not the greatest Resin calibration tool, I just needed a square to calibrate my screen but since I was going to print it anyways we got this. I put a lip on it so I could get more accurate measurements letting the calipers rest on the lip. The lip is .25 millimeters so if you have .05 layer height the lip can take up to five bottom layers. There are dimensions on it pretty self-explanatory. In the event that you did not know in your slicer settings you will see both your screen size and your resolution . When measuring your X&Y you don't want to change the resolution however it is often necessary to adjust your screen size to get more accurate dimensional printing results. The way to do this is to measure the printed part and divide it by the expected dimensions the number you get will be the amount larger your prints are coming out to be. Take the number you get and multiply it by the number for that dimension that is currently in the slicer. Finally take that new number and enter it into your slicer. So if you print 50 millimeter square and it came out to be 50.1 you would divide 50.1 by 50 which would give you 1.002. Multiply that number by your current size not your resolution and enter the new number into your slicer. If when you first printed your size was 121 you multiply that number by 1.002 in this example and your new size would be 121.242







3D Printing