Token Holder Generator/Customizer With Lid!

Token Holder Generator/Customizer With Lid!


This is a generator for a token holder for round tokens of any size. It can also generate a lid, and holes for magnets of any size. To customize, open it in customizer in the apps tab. Also, don't worry about the fuzzy artifacts on top of the holes, those won't be there in the stl. Here's a breakdown of the customizable variables: <h1>Cylinder Resolution</h1> <b>$fn</b> - This is the resolution of the cutouts. Higher number = more faces = more circular. It's defaulted at 50 which is what I used for the holder I printed in the picture. <h1>Holder</h1> <b>token diameter</b> - The diameter of your tokens in mm. Don't add space for a looser fit, the generator takes that into account by adding a mm. <b>holder height</b> - This is how tall you want the holder to be. It must be at least 6mm tall, the base will always be 5mm. <b>num cols</b> - This is the number of rows/columns you want the holder to have. Each row/column contains one token cutout on the bottom and one cutout on the top. <h1>Magnets</h1> <b>magnets</b> - This is whether or not you want magnet holes. 1 for yes, 0 for no. <b>IF YOU DO NOT WANT MAGNETS JUST TURN THIS TO 0, AND LEAVE THE MAGNET DIAMETER AT 6.</b> <b>magnet diameter</b> - This is the diameter of your magnets in mm. As with the token diameter, this one adds .2mm to the diameter for a looser fit. <b>magnet depth</b> - This is the depth of your magnets in mm. <h1>Lid</h1> <b>lid</b> - This will generate a lid. If magnets are on, the lid will include magnet holes. I hope you find a use out of this for organizing tokens! Game on! Feel free to comment any idiosyncrasies or bugs you find. I'd love to see what you print!



