Lolth, Spider Queen (MTG Fan Art)
I think I've really outdone myself this time. I'm a huge fan of Drow and Driders in D&D, and it upsets me that there have not yet been official 5e adventures published featuring the queen of them all, Lolth. However, when Magic the Gathering released their first set featuring a Dungeons and Dragons theme, I was ecstatic to find out they released a card featuring Lolth, which means the card is the first canonical artwork we have of her in 5e. This was a really complex sculpt, and the armature rigging required to pose her was just as daunting. I'm used to multi-armed characters by now, but this is ridiculous! Hopefully, I'll finally have a chance to use this miniature someday. I might include a more dynamic pose in the future, since this one is kind of standard, but for now, enjoy! This version of Lolth is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.