diirac OP-1 field Case. **separate part required**
*** top clear plastic sold on amazon, link below*** Decksaver Teenage Engineering OP1 & OP1 Field Cover: https://www.amazon.com/Decksaver-DS-PC-OP1-Teenage-Engineering-Protective/dp/B01M6WFAWX/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3I0K46DS5W3M4&keywords=op-1+case&qid=1659664058&sprefix=op-1+case%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-3 The "Deck saver" is a bit pricey but I had it laying around from the original OP-1 so I figured id incorporate it. Its good because it allows for the case to have a tight tolerance and rub on the edge of the deck saver, not on the OP-1 field. Tolerances are pretty tight. When I shake the assembly there is zero rattle, and it takes a little effort to slide the deck saver/op-1 out but nothing serious or damaging to the OP-1 in any way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Why only for the OP-1 field? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **The reason why I specify for the OP-1 field is that the groove on the inside floor of the case is made for the field. The original OP-1 has a flat bottom, but the field has a step along the bottom edge. **Also there is a hole on the right inner side of the case so the switch of the field to clear it. Feel free to edit the dimensions and design to your liking, but please credit me if you do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // some improvements I considered but did not make are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - some sort of hole(s) for attaching a sling - improving the locking peg tolerances - embossing text on the right top side that says something along the lines of "OP-1 field" or whatever.