Wider socket cover for Ikea pendant ceiling lamps

Wider socket cover for Ikea pendant ceiling lamps


I have a couple of the bare Ikea pendent lamps, and the ceiling socket cover exploded one day, so I made a replacement. It's a little bit bigger than the original because I wanted to hide my smart switch inside it, too. I'm using the Sonoff MiniR2, and it fits with plenty of room to spare in my opinion. I haven't designed the screw that tightens down onto the cord yet, because I still have them for my Ikea lamps. I'm sure I'll get around to that eventually. I have remade this thing since the last one wouldn't publish. As a result, I have also included some updates and some special adapters that I used to make various lamps work over the last few weekends. I include them without much explanation, but if it looks like something you'd find useful, feel free. The boxy thing was an attempt at salvaging some parts of an old lamp, repairing them, adding a basket as a lamp shade, then adapting that to the Ikea size screw mount. It's all a bit wacky, but it served my purposes.






