Y belt holder for scratch built Prusa BEAR clone

Y belt holder for scratch built Prusa BEAR clone


Building a [Prusa Bear Clone](https://guides.bear-lab.com/) from scratch. That is, I am not using the original printer as a starting position. Using this [y gantry](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32854159123.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.32.2ac94031IJ5BnN&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21AUD%21AU%20%2449.17%21AU%20%2441.80%21%21%21%21%21%402103255a16598402946602702ed48d%2165267725380%21sh) Got to [this step](https://guides.bear-lab.com/Guide/05.+Y+axis+motion/46?lang=en#s555) and DOH! The original printer uses M3x10mm hex bolts, the y axis I bought 1) seemed to use M4 and 2) seemed since the holes were not threaded. So, I grabbed by trusty tap and die set and voila! Definitely M4 for the y bed I bought, but either needed to drill out the y-belt-holder I had printed OR hack the original to up it to M4 from M3. Crude at the moment, as I did not tear drop the new holes. Am curious why there is not a tear drop function in FreeCAD, so still looking for that or to play with my first FreeCad macro maybe.



