POP – CR-10 Frame Mount
##Introducing the POP 7" touchscreen kiosk! Create a [CLIO interactive exhibit](www.cliomuseums.org), an [OctoPrint](www.octoprint.org) 3D-printer control panel, a [Plexamp](www.plexamp.com) music streaming station, wrangle your web applications with [Organizr](www.organizr.app), or just about anything you can imagine. [Support us on Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/cliomuseums) ##Features: Fits on any printer that uses the same 2040 series aluminum extrusion frame as the CR-10 or CR-10 Mini. * Sturdy attachment to frame will not fall off. ##Hardware This part is printed in one piece and does not require additional hardware. ##Build-it-Yourself Guide A full guide to creating the kiosk is available on the [CLIO Museums wiki](https://cliomuseums.org/wiki/index.php/POP_Kiosk#Creating_a_POP_Kiosk). ##About Us We create open-source, build-it-yourself technologies for museums, libraries and cultural heritage centers by working directly with them. CLIO and POP have been in active development since 2019. We operate through grants, volunteers and donations from viewers like you. We have has worked with two natural history museums and one public community college host site for independent one-year development cycles. These projects were designed using the MUSETECH Model, which posits that in order for museums to successfully utilize technologies, there are three stakeholder perspectives that must be considered: the museum as an institution, the cultural heritage professionals that work there, and the visitors who use their resources. We have previously presented and provided literature for MuseWeb 2020. Learn more on our website [cliomuseums.org](cliomuseums.org). [Support us on Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/cliomuseums)