Ender 3 Display PCB Cover with Rocker Switch Cutout
###A remix with a cutout added for a mini rocker switch (10mm x 15mm) and a small hole for wires as well. I needed a place to mount a rocker switch for the LED lightbar I added to my Ender-3, and this PCB cover offered the perfect opportunity. This is the version that uses factory screws and has cutouts for one display ribbon cable and the bell. Credit to the [original creator](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2858209) Fits this [mini rocker switch model KCD11](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=KCD11+rocker+switch&i=industrial&crid=2X7RR4EV7QLE6&sprefix=kcd11+rocker+switch,industrial,99&linkCode=sl2&tag=eldarius09-20&linkId=5465a62f32da50c6d2d4099704dba74e&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl), which measures ~10mm x ~15mm. I also added a hole to route wires near the ribbon cable. The .3mf file has support enforcers enabled for the rocker cutout, but I would actually recommend that you **do not** print with supports. You may have to clean up a bit of hanging plastic, but it will be far easier than cleaning out support material, and you can likely just push the switch right through it. #####If this model has assisted in your endeavours, consider bequeathing some amount of human currency unto me at https://ko-fi.com/eldarius. Your support helps me create more things of questionable necessity and is much appreciated.