Wall custom mount PC

Wall custom mount PC


This is kind of a crazy idea i´ve made at the pandemic isolation. As you can see, all the components are mount into an plywood structure with a teflon coating. There are a lot of printable parts, mostly for embellishers of parts and holes for the passage of calbes. The following list corresponds to the essentials: Motherboard: x9 Motherboard_Standoff x9 Fix_Motherboard_Standoff.v2 Graphic card: x1 pci_support_cable.v1 x1 cover_pci_cable_extensor x1 ROG_graphic_cover.v2 IMPORTANT: You will need a pci card cable extender, for this projec i´ve used this: https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B07MW4XFH8. Understand that if you want to use another one, the "pci_support_cable.v1" part won't work, and some custom desing will be need it. At least you could use the idea as base for it. In any case, be sure to have at least 300 mm of length. The rest of the dessing deppends really in your our concept, for example PSU, and wather colling system really depends of your brand, so no "standar desing" for the wall mount really come to my mind, the PSU at leats only need the espace and some place to attach it. Expect you liked it!.






