Ultimate Pokedex for small print beds

Ultimate Pokedex for small print beds


THE ultimate Pokedex chopped up to fit my 125mm print bed. I batched the files by colors, but you might be better off readjusting and exporting my tinkercad source: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/5HmLgmgA0rz If I were to make another one, I'd move my cut seams to be underneath as many secondary bits as possible. Specifically the right side with all the buttons, I'd lower the seam into that row of blue button insets. Yellow items fit their spots nicely, but everything else was a hair too big and wouldn't sit flat. Not sure if that's my settings or the original STLs, so I didn't adjust them. Also... I haven't tested it with cards. I made it for a friend and I don't own pokecards, so I'm hoping I didn't screw anything up when I imported/exported the STLs.



