Root Board Game Organizer (All non-clockwork expansions)
This organizer is for the board game Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right I wanted a single organizer that held everything except for the robots, but had a difficult time finding one, so I designed my first organizer. I took the double box idea from Derry Salewski on Board Game Geek (I'm sure others have used the same storage method but its: Bottom: Underworld Lid Next: Both Maps Next: Base Game Bottom Next: This Organizer Next: Faction Boards Top: Base Game Lid I removed Mechanical Cat and didn't include anything from either Clockwork Expansion or the wood card holders. The Closed Path Markers go in the empty space between the cards and faction boxes. The Craftable Items display can also go here, or I usually keep mine in the extra space in the Hireling Cards Box.