Temperature Tower 180c - 210c
I was going to use Simplify3D's temperature tower, but I noticed that the temperature range I was going for would not work with it, so I cut off the top to give me the temperature range I wanted, which is 180c to 210c. If you want higher range, then use Simplify3D's [here](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2893943). Copied from Simplify3D's Temperature Tower: "This temperature calibration model can be used to accurately determine the proper extruder temperature for the specific filament you are currently using. Each section of the model contains multiple testing areas to determine at what temperature you will have the best print quality. Temperature Tower Sections Include: The bottom of the tower is made up of a section 0.4mm tall that expands in both the X and Y directions. This is used to determine if your current nozzle positioning is accurate or if you will need to adjust your leveling or Z-offset. Simply measure the base of this at all four points with dial calipers to ensure a properly calibrated Z-height. Each section contains three small cones at staggered distances to test the amount of stringing and overheating that occurs when attempting to print very fine details. The sections each have a diamond on one side with edges building out and in at 45 degree angles. This is conventionally considered to be a reasonable overhanging threshold for most 3D printers with active cooling. The other wall of the tower has 7mm diameter circles to test the ability of the printer to properly bridge and complete the top of arcs. The "roof" of each section is a continuous flat surface 15mm wide by 5mm deep. This allows for a small but challenging section of bridging to ensure the temperature you print at will give you the best chance of avoiding sagging bridges."