Dumas Creole Queen Paddlewheel Riverboat Upgrades

Dumas Creole Queen Paddlewheel Riverboat Upgrades


Love my RC Creole Queen but hate the name and some ship details and shortcuts taken by Dumas. I changed her name to Bay Queen and wanted to make smoke come out of the smokestacks. So here are the redesigned smokestacks with crowned top and a 3/8 hole completely down through the smokestack for your smoke blowing pleasure. The stacks are held in place by the stack mounts which are glued to the ship deck after drilling a 3'8 hole right where the hole exists to screw in the old stacks. The stacks fit snugly on the mounts. I did this so they can be removed for storage so they wont be damaged. The mounts are longer on one end and that end goes through the deck so that the deck thickness does affect the available area to fit your hose on coming from your smoke generator The banner between the stacks is also redesigned with my own design and mounting method. The half pipe ends just wrap around the stack about a 3rd of the way. slide the ends up until they tough the bottom ring of the stack crowns. Superglue them in place. Even if you have no desire for smoke coming from the stacks they look FAR better than the originals. WARNING - If you print thestacks in resin - be careful, those crown points are VERY sharp (don't ask me how I know). More Creole Queen mods coming!







R/C Vehicles