Ender 3 LED diffuser channel mounts

Ender 3 LED diffuser channel mounts


*Haven't had a chance to print and test these yet. (waiting on a replacement cable and the rest of my LED parts). These are mounts to mount LED strip diffuser channeling. The mounts are made to sit back behind the printer as not to get in the way of the rollers on the "Z" bars. I'm also hoping by moving the lights toward the back they will also help lighting things up better. I play on using a 60 pixel, neopixel strip. I have a 5amp 120v-5v converter already powering my Pi4 and I don't recommend trying to power 60 LEDs straight from the printers circuit board. It simply isn't capable of putting out that much power. If you want to go the route I did check out my other designs to see what options I have for including an extra 5v psu. The LED diffuser channel comes in either 90 degree, quarter-round style pieces or simply flat. Ive Included mount options for both styles. Also many of us have Z-support pieces in the top left corners. To keep the support functionality I've designed the top left mount to include the z axis, screw rod support both with and without a 608 bearing. Those pieces also each in flat or 90 degree options. If you have the dual z bar upgrade you should likely simply be able to "mirror" the piece you need from the left side. If someone would confirm this for me would be great! I plan to print all these mounts in PLA+. It prints easy and is much more firm. If you aren't printing with Overtures PLA+ yet. Try it out.. I feel it prints just as reliably as regualr PLA just maybe need to turn the heat up a bit more. LED Diffuser channel- 90 degree: https://www.amazon.com/HAMRVL-Diffuser-Aluminum-Mounting-Accessories/dp/B09K7H6XRK/ref=sr_1_6?crid=GHOOU4R208I2&keywords=black+led+channel+diffuser&qid=1660693578&sprefix=black+led+channel+diffuser%2Caps%2C60&sr=8-6 *The housing to hold the 608 bearing was a remix from an awesome human whom I can't seem to find to give them their love. (there's a ton of those support models on here). Anyway thanks dude!!



