Forbidden Forest soap dispenser
This soap dispenser usually surprises people - some actually wonder where the soap is stored (a bit fun to hear, actually). I print it with several perimeters, and add a layer of epoxy inside after printing it to ensure it will not leak. Using silk filament gives a nice "wow" effect! See the .3mf for print settings. Pleas note you must print the internal tube using a flexible material (I use flex 82), and you will need a spare mechanism from a soap pump bottle (eg a "palmolive" bottle). Just remove the pump from the original bottle (I just pull it apart using my hands which will unlock the lock ring) then add it to the new bottle and add the top part. If you do not print the top part with care, it might not be sufficiently hollow, ie it wont let the soap out. Try holding it under running water, it should stream through easily. Note: "TVÅL" is "soap" in Swedish.