1" closet rod hanger for foam enclosure Filament holder
I made a foam insulation enclosure for my Makergear M3-ID. 1" Hard foam with Aluminum facing. It gets nice and warm inside 100-120F when the printer is running (PLA and PETG). The foam is rated for 250F. And I have a Govee temp gauge with an alarm set at about 150F. I was going to use my filament dry boxes inside, but its so nice and warm in the enclosure, and I have enough vertical room, so I decided to use up a 1" wooden closet rod I had laying around and have the filament above the printer. This is good because then I can use short 6" Teflon tubes into the top feed extruders. I glued this to the inside of the enclosure with construction adhesive. Its mounted so that the sides are at about a 60 degree angle, open forward. So I can slide the rod up and forward.