Fire Hydrant Planter - with tray

Fire Hydrant Planter - with tray


Thanks dadmezz & sgfx for making this great design available! I wanted to use this as a regular pot-planter so I hollowed out the middle and tidied up the top edge. After a 37 hour print (@ 1.25X normal size) I realized I should have put a grill in place to prevent soil from exiting the bottom of the planter. I created a grill insert to fit my planter and also retro-fitted the original planter with a grill built in (files for both styles are available). I have included my grill inserts in case anyone needs to retro-fit their planter. I also created a shallow tray to catch water from the pot, the pot can be simply put on top of the tray or it could be glued permanently in place.



