Rinse Basket for Resin Prints

Rinse Basket for Resin Prints


A really basic resin print rinsing basket that I designed in tinkercad. It has turned out to be very useful so I thought I would share. I printed this on my ender 3 for use washing prints from my Anycubic photon mono 4k. My current cleaning process is three stage: 1- Rinse in simple green solution (removes bulk of uncured resin) 2- Ultrasonic Cleaner with simple green solution (removes uncured resin but leaves a simple green residue) 3- Finally soak in IPA to remove simple green residue The first and third steps were really helped by having two of these printed. The main reason I process this way is that it dirties the IPA as little as possible per print, and lets me use much cheaper and less toxic simple green and water for the majority of the clean. If you're curious I'm using these containers: https://www.amazon.com/Containers-Stackable-Reusable-Plastic-Container/dp/B077FXNWGC/ref=psdc_3744021_t1_B08ML3HT95



