Trex Signature Railing Post Light Adapters

Trex Signature Railing Post Light Adapters


I designed these for use with Trex Signature Railing. Once the 4 x 4 post was sleeved with the Trex Signature sleeve they were 4.5" square and most lights come with either a 4" or 5" adapter. You can use the 5" adapter but it usually look strange because it is hanging over the edge of the post and doesn't fit snug like the models posted here. There are 2 models, 1 of the models has 2 versions. Only difference in the 2nd versions was I also trimmed the corners to match the post. Model 1 can be used with this style of light (possibly others with the same size 4" base). Model 1 uses screws to mount the light to the adapter. Model 2 will work with this style of light Model 2 uses a twist lock system to fasten the the light to the adapter. Model 2 can be screwed down to the post but isn't needed because of the snug fit.



