Disc Golf Basket for Mini Discs

Disc Golf Basket for Mini Discs


All the other baskets I found online were sized to fit a regular printer bed, but that made them too small to use with actual mini discs. This basket is 1/2 scale model and so is perfectly sized for your mini discs! It also uses 2 layers of chains for increased disc catching power! All parts are broken up into pieces to fit on most printer beds and everything either snaps or slides together. Some parts may need to be slightly sanded down or shimmed/glued together in order for them to fit properly depending on the tolerances of your printer. The only pieces required that are not printed are the chains and 2 binder hooks. I got the chain from my local hardware store and the binder hooks from the dollar store. There are also 2 s-hooks included to help fit different size chains. The files also include a printable mini disc. Print it out of TPU for a flexible plastic feel!



