Catan Point Counter

Catan Point Counter


I wasn't happy with any of the point counters available on Thingiverse, so I made my own. It's designed to use the point counters from Dakanzla's Explorers & Pirates expansion, printed at 95% size. (counter-player.stl, at, works with up to six players, and works for any number of victory points. It's got a slider that clips on and slides to any position, in order to mark how many points are needed to win. You'd set it to ten points for a normal game, or thirteen points for a game of Cities & Knights. For expansions that require more points (I recall twenty-one-point games in Treasures, Dragons, & Adventurers), you'd set the victory marker to some other number (eight in my example) and just remember that you have to go past the end and keep going to win. I used support for both prints, though I suppose you could print the main part upside-down to avoid them. I think that'd mess up the finish of the top and probably the numbers as well, so I'd just print it right-side-up with supports.






