Lemax Spooky Town AA battery box to DC-only conversion box
# What is this? Do you have any **Lemax Spooky Town** pieces that have the bulky battery box that you never use? Do you always use the 3volt plug instead? Then get rid of the large AA battery boxes that clutter up your village and are hard to hide! # How do I use it? **Harvest** the tiny circuit board and any resistors from the original battery enclosure. These will control LED fading and any other animations. If you're handy with a soldering iron and know your way around small electronics, you can also take the switch out of the circuit and reconnect the wires as appropriate. Unscrew the 3v jack from the box as well, you'll want to keep that. There's a tiny thumbscrew collar on the outside of the box to release the jack. Then **stuff** everything into a shiny new, smaller enclosure! Make sure that nothing is going to short if you shake it around. You may want to tack things in with a bit of hot glue. Screw the lid on the box with four M2 screws of about 12mm in length. # Now what? If everything was successful, you should now be able to plug the same 3v plug into the new box. Please note that this process will void your warranty and I take no responsibility if you mess up your favorite Spooky Town piece!