Funnel for 54mm Breville Bambino Plus Portafilter - Fits Smartgrinder Pro Holder

Funnel for 54mm Breville Bambino Plus Portafilter - Fits Smartgrinder Pro Holder


I could not find a dosing funnel for my Breville Bambino Plus 54mm Portafilter (PF) which fits into the PF holder of my Smart Grinder Pro. The ones I have tried are too tall so I had to tilt the PF forward a little just so it goes through the cradle slot to reach the on/off activation switch, and the bottom spout hits the grinder tray. So I made my own funnel from scratch in fusion 360, though inspired by other's design like DogsBollocks and DrawnToDigital. I used clear PETG at 20% infill so the infill lines are visible as shown in the photos. PETG is preferred over PLA for food safety. 0.4 nozzle 0.2 Layer height Supports: Yes Place bottom side up in the bed for cleaner prints.



