30mm scope mounts - 9-11mm dovetail

30mm scope mounts - 9-11mm dovetail


Couldn't find a design to mount a 30mm scope to a 9-11mm dovetail rail, so made one. This seems to work fine for holding an old Gamo red dot scope to an HW40. Two sizes included - normal and thin. I recommend the normal size. I printed both to test. The normal size is better. Normal uses 4 nuts and bolts per ring, thin uses 2 per ring. Normal is 24mm, thin is 11mm. Print flat side down. In the filenames, left = the bolt head side, right = the nut side. ###Extra parts needed: M5x25mm bolts (or longer) M5 nuts ###File info *Scope left.stl* scope ring half, bolt head side. Requires 4 nuts and bolts. *Scope right.stl* scope ring half, nut side. *Scope left thin.stl* scope ring half, bolt head side. *Scope right thin.stl* scope ring half, nut side. *Scope_normal_together.stl* self explanatory. . Requires 4 nuts and bolts. *Scope_thin_together.stl* self explanatory. Requires 2 nuts and bolts.



